Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Snoreguards vs. CPAP

If you have sleep apnea or snoring issues, you have more than one option for treatment. Many sleep apnea patients find relief with the aid of custom oral appliances, like snoreguards.  Compared with the old stand-by treatment of CPAP machines, snoreguards offer improvements in sleep therapy, which include:

Shorter Adjustment Periods

CPAP stops the problem of sleep disordered breathing by pushing a stream of air through the mask appliance and into passageways. While this is effective, it’s not something that every patient easily adjusts to experiencing. The feeling of forced air can sometimes make it hard to sleep, and the facemask can prove to be bulky. Snoreguards look like a retainer and do not involve the use of face masks or forced air, making the change in your daily sleep habit much easier to incorporate into your routine.

Improved Portability

Snoreguards are easily transported wherever you need to go via a small, palm-sized container. CPAP machines contain several bulky parts that don’t make traveling convenient or easily managed. Traveling with CPAP also requires that you have access to an outlet, so the device can be plugged in and charged. Bringing a snoreguard or sleep apnea appliance with you on trips does not require extra luggage or to accommodate your sleep therapy device.

Increased Comfort

Many patients do not like CPAP therapy, as wearing the device involves adjusting straps to fit around your head to hold the facemask in place. Because of the facemask, CPAP patients sometimes struggle to find a comfortable sleep position and often cannot sleep on their stomachs. Snoreguards make it so that you can sleep in any position that’s comfortable for you and still enjoy easier breathing.

Both snoreguards and CPAP machines are able to provide effective therapy for sleep disordered breathing and snoring. However, many patients find snore guards to be the more comfortable and convenient approach to care. If you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea or suffer from snoring, contact our Shoreline, WA dental office to learn more about snoreguards for sleep apnea and sleep disordered breathing.

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